30 Mar 2018
What I did
- Completed final integration of 40 restaurants and exported to CSV
- Worked on Tensorflow.js for loading pre-trained Keras models to run on web
- Explored D3 graphs
What I plan to do next week
- Work on finalizing visualization decisions
- Lower inference time for predictive models
Blocks or impediments to the plan for next week
What I did
- Work on data integration task
- Exported trained LSTM, Multiplicative LSTM models for sentiment analysis
- Begin working on final project query solution.
What I plan to do next week
- Train models to solve the given queries
- Export above models for the server to interact with.
Blocks or impediments to the plan for next week
What I did
- Worked on front-end designs and Plotly.js
- Completed data deliverable
What I plan to do next week
- Get live maps working for heat maps
Blocks or impediments to the plan for next week
- Proper plots and gathering data from user and designing a proper flow
What I did
- Worked on the deliverable, manual data set reference., for group IDs 31-40
- Tried basic website framework, and explored bokeh applications
What I plan to do next week
- Try out actual plots that are to be implemented.
- Start working on data analysis deliverable.
Blocks or impediments to the plan for next week
- Identifying the right libraries for each of the task will be an impediment.