Weekly Report 1- - April 07 2018 - April 13 2018


What I did

  • Worked on gathering Census data from Census.gov using their REST api
  • Researched backend deployment details
  • Explored ways to maximize automation

What I plan to do next week

  • Finish queries as required
  • Determine the full workflow of the system

Blocks or impediments to the plan for next week

  • None for now.


What I did

  • Finished training models for Ratings of Yelp Reviews
  • Finished setting up Flask server to host the Sentiment Classification models
  • Finished setting up Flask server to host the Rating Classification models.
  • Improved training for models
  • Cached server side data to improve runtime at expense of more memory usage

What I plan to do next week

  • Finish the queries
  • Provide a simple set of instructions to run custom data to get classification scores on them.

Blocks or impediments to the plan for next week

  • No blocks currently.


What I did

  • Constructed scripts in python for cons=olidating mutiple csv.
  • Finished classes for machine learning

What I plan to do next week

  • Visualizations

Blocks or impediments to the plan for next week

  • None right now


What I did

  • Working on the quieries that are set for the next deliveerable , Query 8
  • Tried basic website framework, and explored the stlying options available.
  • Imported and understood work done bu other team members

What I plan to do next week

  • Work on the two other quieries that are set for the next deliverable .
  • Plan to work on the website part of the project.

Blocks or impediments to the plan for next week

  • Integrating the various modules would be difficult.