Weekly Report 8 - Mar 19 2018 - Mar 23 2018
23 Mar 2018
What I did
- Finished manual reference datasets for 10 restaurants
- Wrote scripts to extract 40 datasets from Yelp dataset that matches our criteria
- Worked on visualization using D3
What I plan to do next week
- Work on answering queries for final framework
- Work on more viz
Blocks or impediments to the plan for next week
What I did
- Work on data integration task
- Work on exporting the trained models to interact with queries
- Trained Sentiment models on the reference Yelp dataset provided.
What I plan to do next week
- Start with server side integration
- Begin integrating the manual datasets with our collection of data.
Blocks or impediments to the plan for next week
- No blocks currently.
- Expect the integration task to go over smoothly. We will assign an integration manager to oversee this task.
What I did
- Worked on front-end designs and Plotly.js
- Completed data deliverable
What I plan to do next week
- Get live maps working for heat maps
Blocks or impediments to the plan for next week
- Proper plots and gathering data from user and designing a proper flow
What I did
- Work on the next deliverable, manual data set reference.,left with 3 domains
- Decided on the initial charts to be visualised.
What I plan to do next week
- Work on the three domains left in manual data set reference.
- Design the UI basic framework
- Explore visualization options.
Blocks or impediments to the plan for next week
- Identifying the right libraries for each of the task will be an impediment.