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plot_dataset(dataset, to_file='dataset.png', title='Dataset evaluation', eval_label='Score', trend_deg=3)

Plots the training history of the provided dataset. Can be provided either the Dataset object itself,


  • dataset (Dataset | str): A Dataset which has been restored or a string path to the root of the shac directory where the dataset is stored.
  • to_file (str | None): A string file name if the dataset plot is to be stored in a file, or None if the image should not be saved to a file.
  • title (str): String label used as the title of the plot.
  • eval_label (str): String label used as the y axis label of the plot.
  • trend_degree (int): Degree of the polynomial which fits the dataset to create the trend line.


  • FileNotFoundError: If the provided dataset is a string that does not point to the root of a shac directory.
  • ValueError: If a loaded dataset object could not be obtained to visualize.